We decided that to save time and keep on project that we would test the shots that we were not sure would actually work when actually filming.
I has two shots that i wanted to test, these were the close up phone call shot with the antagonist and Charlie, and the tracking shot of Charlies feet running.
I felt that i needed to test these out as I have never used a dolly before and felt that I needed to practice and see whether it is effective. I was also worried about the close up as i felt that it may be difficult for me to capture the scariness of the antagonist and capture the fright of Charlie.
Looking back at the process I believe that we came up with a very effective way to combat the problem with how bumpy and uneven the floor was. We decided to place one of the wooden boards on the ground and that created a smooth surface for us to use. I then experimented with the dolly:
After playing around with the dolly I felt that I was comfortable with my handling of it and that I was happy to keep it in my scene.
I also tested the close up shot. I found that it was surprisingly easy to capture facial expressions and that I was actually worrying over nothing. However I realised that although the angle in which I was filming here was effective as it made Winn seem more powerful, I felt that I would prefer to have it be a straight on shot because I feel it would come across as more menacing.
I also decided that I wanted to see how a worms eye view would make the character look. After filming I came to the decision that it made the character look too powerful and dominant when I want them to look vulnerable and scared, to achieve this I decided that I would film it from a birds eyes view to make them look small and vulnerable.
Kirsty also wanted to test one her her shots. This was the one where there is a help face shot of the character and a shadow falls over their face. We wanted to see how we would go about creating the shadow. We experimented with different types of shadows for this.
Personally I experimented with different density of of shadows to see what ones I felt were most effective.
I felt that the denser the shadow the more of a creepy effect it gave and decided that I wanted to incorporate it at some point in our final piece.
Over all I feel that the test footage day helped us realise what worked and what didn't making our overall opening more professional and effective.