Friday 4 November 2016

Questionnaire Results

I gave the target audience questionnaire to 15 people in our target audience and I got back a series of interesting results that have helped me through out the pre-production and production stage.

The first question was "What three words would you use to describe the thriller genre?". This got back a variety good good answers such as intense, fast-paces, complex, tense, underrated, mentally-stimulating, suspenseful, interesting and scary. These were very interesting and useful as it gave me an idea about what people are looking for in a thriller. 

The second question was "What is you favourite thriller film?" this got a a mixture of answers;
These answers allowed me to see what people like and gives me an idea about what people will want from our thriller film.

The third question was "Do you prefer a tense opening sequence or an opening sequence with more backstory? (Tense        Backstory)" 10 of the group said 'tense', 4 of the group said 'Backstory', and 1 of the people said that it should 
be 'a mixture of both'. 

The Forth question was "What makes you want to watch certain films?
   Popularity of film
   Film trailer
The 'Other' included 'The story' and 'The movie topic'. 

The Fifth question is "What thriller sub-genre appeals to you the most?
  • Supernatural Thriller
  • Crime Thriller
  • Mystery Thriller
  • Psychological Thriller
  • Action Thriller
  • Romantic Thriller
  • Other___________"
Here I can see that Psychological thriller is the most preferred sub-genre of thriller.

The sixth question was "What do you find builds up suspense in Thriller films (Circle all that apply)?
   Sound Effects
   Other ________________
As shows above 'Dialogue' builds more suspense and that one person who said other was 'Silence'.

The seventh question was "What don't you enjoy from Thriller films (Circle all that apply)?
   Story line
   Jump scares
   Crime scenes
   Complex ideas
   Other _________________
As shown above the thing that people hated the most was 'jump scares' and the one person who said other stated that 'lack of disobedience' was the least thing they enjoyed.

The Eighth Question was "What location are you more interested in when watching Thriller films?
   House setting
   City setting
   Abandoned setting (forests,fields etc.)
   Other __________________"
Here it is obvious that hardly anyone liked the idea of a house setting, but they did both like the ideas of a city location and an abandoned location. 

The ninth question was "What lighting would you prefer to watch?
   Low key lighting
   High key lighting
   Lots of shadows and silhouettes
   Other __________________"
This shows that the majority of people liked both the Low-key Lighting and Shadows and Silhouettes. 

The tenth and final question was "What do you think is the most important part of Thriller films?
   Story line
   Other ________________"
Here we can see that more people felt that the story line was the most important element of a thriller. 

Overall the results I obtained from the target audience questionnaire had helped me understand what people want to see in a thriller and will help me when deciding what to create. 

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