Monday, 2 January 2017

Editing Update - Third and Forth Draft

Once again as the head editor Kirsty took lead role in the editing however we both worked very closely together as i always sat with her with her when she was editing, helping er figure out the editing software and deciding whether something she did had the right look and fitted with the conventions. 

Since the last draft we had added music and sound effects which we felt were very effective and made our product seen very professional and of a high quality, it also added to the suspense of the whole opening as the music builds up the tension (for example when they open the barn door the music goes very loud indicating/foreshadowing to the bad that will come).

We also colour corrected some of the scenes to make it look nicer as a whole. We made the opening flash-forward darker to allude to the coming terror and fear in the film. In addition we made the part when the two characters are outside more blue to make it seem even colder than it already did. Although these were only slight nearly unnoticeable differences I feel it was very effective.

We finally got round to adding the titles of the cast and crew as well as the logo so it was clear that it was our production. However we did hit a snag as we realised that out company logo was black on a black background so we made the decision to have a different one rather than re-edit our original one. 
I felt that although i was very disappointed that we couldn't use the logo that i had created (and was very proud of) we made the right decision and came up with a very interesting new way of presenting our production company name

  GIF  GIFPersonally I finally edited together the clip that I was yet to do and I felt that I was very effective. It gave another level of fear to the piece and made it even more scary.

I feel that we have nearly finished the editing of our product, however there are some small bits that need to be tweaked slightly.

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