Monday 3 October 2016

Target Audience Questionaire

1. What three words would you use to describe the thriller genre?

2. What is your favourite thriller film?

3. Do you prefer a tense opening sequence or an opening sequence with more backstory? Circle your answer.

Tense                              Backstory

4. What makes you want to watch certain films?
   Popularity of film
   Film trailer

5. What thriller sub-genre appeals to you the most?
   Supernatural Thriller
   Crime Thriller
   Mystery Thriller
   Psychological Thriller
   Action Thriller
   Romantic Thriller
   Other _________________

6. What do you find builds up suspense in Thriller films (Circle all that apply)?
   Sound Effects
   Other ________________

7. What don't you enjoy from Thriller films (Circle all that apply)?
   Story line
   Jump scares
   Crime scenes
   Complex ideas
   Other _________________

8. What location are you more interested in when watching Thriller films?
   House setting
   City setting
   Abandoned setting (forests,fields etc.)
   Other __________________

9.  What lighting would you prefer to watch?
   Low key lighting
   High key lighting
   Lots of shadows and silhouettes
   Other __________________

10. What do you think is the most important part of Thriller films?
   Story line
   Other ________________

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